
Monday, 9 August 2010

Switzerland: Zurich.

Back In February my boyfriend Jai and I took a week long trip to Switzerland. It was the best holiday we have both ever had. We had such an amazing time and the food was lovely too.
Our first stop in Zurich was to Sprüngli to try the Luxemburgerli which taste and look very similar to a macaron. It was almost hard to tell the difference between the two, as macarons vary alot from place to place but its said that the Luxemburgerli is lighter and more airy in consistancy.

From right to left: Caramel, bourbon vanilla, raspberry, chocolate, lemon & the green ones in the back are pistachio.

Jai got lemon, caramel, rapsberry & bourbon vanilla. I got caramel, bourbon vanilla, chocolate & lemon.

The most colorful chocolate/ truffle shop I have EVER seen. Jai's second love, orange slices coated in chocolate (or anything chocolate orange for that matter) were sitting in the window display ready to be eaten so we went in and got a couple.

Believe it or not, all the colorfull things on the tables is chocolate wrapped in colorful paper & made to look like little dolls & animals and such.
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